New Credo Podcast: What can Christians learn from Stephen King?
Stephen King will go down as one of the greatest fiction writers of our time. Although his works are not often considered relevant to theological conversation or even unfriendly to the Christian faith by some, King offers Christians a window into the human experience with his deep sense of reality that is honest about the despair of this world and the wonder within every person who asks if something transcends this world. After engaging King, readers are left asking, “Could there be hope? Could there be a hope that enters into our reality and goes beyond the typical superficiality that we often see around us?” Christians have nothing to fear when engaging Stephen King, as he implicitly shows us how redemption is something we all long for as humans.
In this episode, Jared Wilson joins Matthew Barrett as they both discuss how the great Stephen King has influenced their writing. They also explain why reading fiction can help pastors become better preachers and theologians become better communicators.