Why did C.S. Lewis think natural law could make us human again?
The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but irrigate deserts.” With these words C.S. Lewis opened The Abolition of Man. Lewis spent his life standing against the modern approach to education, an approach that encouraged cynicism and skepticism, leaving a wasteland in its wake. On the basis of his own university experience Lewis was convinced he was living in an age of men without chests. Men asserted their will to power, deconstructing the morality of classical philosophy, but all the while cowering in the face of society’s destruction.
Michael Ward joins Matthew Barrett to probe the ways C.S. Lewis served as a modern-day prophet. Yet Lewis was also strategic, appealing to natural law to throw into question the subjectivity rampant in his day. His goal was ambitious: the recovery of objective virtue and moral value, all for the sake of humanity’s survival.