Center for Classical Theology Lecture with Michael Horton in San Diego - REGISTER
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truth unites

Truth Unites: Is Spirituality Without Religion Worse than Atheism? With Michael Horton

In this video, Gavin Ortlund and Michael Horton explore the origins of “spiritual but not religious” as an ideology.

Truth Unites has a dual purpose as both a theological resource to the church as well as an apologetics voice to our culture. In its inward-facing role, it seeks to serve the church with theological education. It especially focuses on historical retrieval and theological triage, seeking to buttress and unify evangelical theology amidst its current fragmentation. It also produces content in defense of Protestantism. In its outward-facing role, Truth Unites seeks to provide a winsome and credible voice to the culture for the existence of God and the resurrection of Christ.

Truth Unites and Credo have partnered to make great resources like this video available to you on Credo from Fellow Gavin Ortlund.

Also, don’t miss Michael Horton’s lecture for The Center for Classical Theology in San Diego, CA on November 19, 2024 (the evening before ETS). His lecture is titled, “If Reformed, then catholic: Revisiting sola scriptura.” Registration is now open here. 

Visit the Center for Classical Theology where you can watch last year’s lecture by Carl Trueman. Also, submit a paper for the Scholastic Award and win the works of John Owen and Stephen Charnock.

The annual lecture for CCT is sponsored by Crossway publishing.

Gavin Ortlund

Michael S. Horton

Michael S. Horton (PhD Oxford University) is the J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California, where he has taught since 1998. Additionally, he is the founder and editor-in-chief of Sola Media and the editor-in-chief of Modern Reformation magazine. Dr. Horton is the author/editor of more than twenty-five books, including Justification (Zondervan), a two-volume work in the New Studies in Dogmatics series, Calvin on the Christian Life, The Christian Faith, and Introducing Covenant Theology

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