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Sale: The New International Commentary on the New Testament

Westminster Bookstore is selling The New International Commentary on the New Testament (18 volumes) for 50% off! If you are a pastor this is a great series to have in your library as you prepare for sermons. And if you are a student you will likely consult this series often as well.

69296About the NICNT Series

“Faithful criticism” characterizes volumes in The New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT). Begun in the late 1940s by an international team of New Testament scholars, the NICNT series has been widely recognized by pastors, students, and scholars alike for its attention to the text of Scripture, its currency with contemporary scholarship, and its service to the global church.

The interpretive work reflected in these commentaries is based on careful study of the Greek text, but commentary readers need not be practiced in the biblical languages in order to benefit from them. In the same way, NICNT volumes reflect serious work in technical areas — such as linguistics, textual criticism, and historical concerns — but the commentary itself focuses on understanding the text rather than navigating scholarly debates. Readers can turn to the footnotes and excursuses for more specialized interaction with the Greek text and engagement with critical issues and literature.

Under the editorship of outstanding New Testament scholars — first Ned Stonehouse (Westminster Theological Seminary), then F. F. Bruce (University of Manchester, England) and Gordon D. Fee (Regent College, Canada), and now Joel B. Green (Fuller Theological Seminary) — the NICNT series has flourished. In order to keep the commentary fresh and contemporary, NICNT volumes are revised and replaced as needed.

Newer volumes in the NICNT account for emergent emphases in biblical studies. These include heightened attention to rhetorical features of New Testament texts, the cultural settings within which they were written, and their theological significance for God’s people. In this way, the NICNT series endures as an accessible, authoritative guide to the biblical text. Series Editors: Joel B. Green and Gordon D. Fee.

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