10 Weeks on the Trinity: The Ghost of Orthodoxy Past
Dr. Matthew Barrett believes that the ghost of orthodoxy past haunts the house of 20th century trinitarianism. In his third lecture in the new Trinity Course through the FTC institute, Barrett observes the many ways recent theologians have created a social trinity. Unlike Nicaea, modern social trinitarians believe that the three persons in the trinity form a society – a community of persons. This led them to redefine the theological concept of “personhood,” sometimes concluding that there are three centers of will and consciousness in the Godhead. This social trinity then became the paradigm for human society, making the trinity more relevant for modern minds. As a result, the trinity was manipulated for every social agenda under the sun. This lecture will help listeners identify the difference between the social trinity – a modern innovation – and the classical, Nicene articulation of the doctrine.
Join Dr. Barrett to learn key trinitarian concepts, which can safeguard us from future trinity drift and help us find our way home to a biblical and orthodox understanding of the Trinity. Sign up for the full course through the For the Church Institute. And if you enjoy this first lecture then read chapter 3 of his book, Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit (Baker).