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CCT 2024

‘Tis the season to give to Credo

The year 2025 will be an exciting year at Credo. We have big plans. It will be our year of “firsts.” We will launch our first Credo Conference! We invite you to join us on May 1-2 in Washington D.C. Fred Sanders, Gavin Ortlund, Michael Horton, Kevin DeYoung, Michael Reeves, and I can’t wait to contemplate the Trinity with you on the anniversary of the Nicene Creed. Here’s something you won’t get at just any conference: each speaker will read a classical text out loud and discuss it with you, giving you the opportunity to contemplate the Trinity in community with others.

We will also launch our first series of books. In partnership with Crossway, Sam Parkison and I will edit the Credo Contemplating God series. Each book will be an essay in the style of C.S. Lewis and will introduce those in the pew to the beauty of classical Christianity.

Finally, the Center for Classical Theology has been such an encouraging event—2023 with Carl Trueman and 2024 with Michael Horton. Not only will we make each year’s lecture available to watch but for the first time CCT will ask each theologian to expand their lecture into a book.

But we cannot do all this alone. To make all these “firsts” happen we depend on your generosity. Please consider giving a gift to Credo this Christmas. We will make sure your gift makes these projects happen so that the next generation can experience the renewal of classical Christianity today. Go here to donate. ‘Tis the season to give to Credo.

Merry Christmas,

Matthew Barrett, Editor-in-Chief, Credo

Matthew Barrett

Matthew Barrett is the editor-in-chief of Credo Magazine, director of the Center for Classical Theology, and host of the Credo podcast. He is professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the author of several books, including Simply Trinity, which won the Christianity Today Book of the Year Award in Theology/Ethics. His new book is called The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. He is currently writing a Systematic Theology with Baker Academic.
