How to Read the Bible: A Beginner’s guide

By Fred Zaspel– Assured that all Scripture is both inspired and holistically profitable (2Tim. 3:16-17) many Christians have plugged away faithfully at Bible reading wondering, frankly, why they have not…

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The Cross of Christ for $10

John Stott. The Cross of Christ. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012. Here is a classic text on what Christ accomplished on the cross. Westminster Bookstore is selling this 20th…

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Four Outstanding Interviews

By Matthew Barrett– One of the blessings of living in the 21st century is that we have resources at our fingertips, resources that can help us draw near to God,…

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Revelation according to the Vikings

By Matthew Claridge– In the back of  J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun there is an appendix that contains a poem entitled, The Prophecy of the Sibyl. I…

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Preaching Jesus All the Time

By Fred Zaspel– It is an encouraging sign when young ministers and ministerial students ask how to preach Christ more consistently while remaining faithful to the text at hand. It’s…

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