A Look Inside the New Issue of Credo Magazine
The new issue of Credo Magazine has arrived: The Immutability of God.
Does God change? Everything hinges on the answer to that question. If he does change, he is not the eternal, self-sufficient, simple, and infinite Lord scripture says he is time and time again. If he is not immutable, then our salvation is uncertain as well, for only one who does not change can ensure that his promises to redeem us will not change. In this issue of Credo Magazine, we see that immutability is not some abstract, irrelevant attribute of God but one that is essential to who God is and what he has promised to accomplish for a fallen world in flux.
Here’s a look inside the contents of the new issue.
Featured Articles
Immutability and Eternal Generation: The Son’s Generation as a Spiritual, Internal, and Eternal Act by Josh Malone
Immutability, the Promises of God, and the Christian Life by Peter Sanlon
God, Creation Ex Nihilo, and Immutability: Does God Change By Virtue of Creation? by Richard C. Barcellos
Does God Experience Emotional Change? Immutability and Impassibility by Samuel Renihan
He Cannot Deny Himself: Immutability and Simplicity by Steven J. Duby
Pilgrims on the road to the Classical view of God: Figures from the Early and Medieval Church on the Attributes of God by Jordan P. Barrett
Why God’s Love is an Immutable Love by Paul M. Smalley
Immutability and Pastoral Ministry by Matthew Claridge
10 Questions with Jason Duesing
Book Reviews
The Irrationality of Secular Morality: A Critical Defense of What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense by Timothy Raymond
What Difference Does the Canon Make? Why Christians Need to Know the History of Canon by Taylor DiRoberto
Retrieving Litton: Anglican Dogmatics for the Protestant Church by Justin Dillehay
Read the new issue today: The Immutability of God.