New Credo Podcast! How can liturgy create a healthy church?
Liturgy is to the church like oxygen is to the lungs.
Unfortunately, churches today can be suspicious towards liturgy, as if it is devoid of the heart. But for most of history the church has turned to liturgy as a vital part of worship. As the Reformers considered how to reform the church, for example, they not only relied on liturgy from the medieval period, but they insisted liturgy remain central to the life of the church. The call to worship, the adoration of praise, the reading of the law and confession of sin, the prayers of the saints, confessing creed and catechism – these are but a few components of liturgy that encourage doctrinal beliefs to seep into the hearts and minds of people.
In this episode, Jonathan Gibson joins Matthew Barrett to discuss the centrality of liturgy to the life the church and why liturgy can help Christians deepen their love of God.