Archive for August 2022
The Incomprehensibility of God
He must have been petrified, don’t you think? In Exodus 33, I imagine Moses trembling behind the cleft in the rock, wondering whether he would live to tell others about…
Read MorePodcast Throwback! What does Plato have to do with Jesus? Matthew Barrett and Louis Markos
It’s all in Plato, all in Plato: Bless me, what do they teach them at these schools? ― C. S. Lewis, The Last Battle If you are doing theology, you are…
Read MoreThe Angelic Doctor’s Heavenly Doctrine of God
The latest issue of Credo Magazine focuses on Thomas Aquinas. The following is one of the issue’s featured columns by Peter Sammons. Dr. Sammons is director of academic publications at The Master’s…
Read MoreAuthor’s Corner
Each week on Credo we welcome you to join us in the Author’s Corner where we will meet a set of authors whose recent books deserve your attention and might…
Read MoreAngels and Demons
The Summa Theologiae is one of the most influential works of Christian Theology ever written. Yet many people today are unfamiliar with Thomas Aquinas and his works, while others remain skeptical of…
Read MoreThe Devotional Benefit of (Regularly) Reading Creeds
Thanks to Crossway’s recent publication of Jonathan Gibson’s excellent resource, Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship, I have, since the beginning of this year, been immersed in…
Read MorePodcast Throwback: What is Christian Platonism? Matthew Barrett and Hans Boersma
What should we think of Plato? Do his ideas have any profit for Christianity? Can the Platonic philosophical heritage serve Christianity as a handmaiden to biblical interpretation and theological construction?…
Read MoreWhat can Aquinas teach us about Virtue?
If you want to end a conversation with someone at a party tell them you study the virtue ethics of Thomas Aquinas. What possible reason could there be for doing…
Read MoreAuthor’s Corner
Each week on Credo we welcome you to join us in the Author’s Corner where we will meet a set of authors whose recent books deserve your attention and might…
Read MoreThe Problem of Evil
The Summa Theologiae is one of the most influential works of Christian Theology ever written. Yet many people today are unfamiliar with Thomas Aquinas and his works, while others remain skeptical of…
Read MoreNew Credo Podcast! What is Partitive Exegesis?
How can we hold our systematic theology in one hand and take seriously the exegetical task in the other? How do we interpret scripture in light of Christ’s two natures?…
Read MoreWhat is Partitive Exegesis? Matthew Barrett with Bobby Jamieson and Tyler Wittman
How can we hold our systematic theology in one hand and take seriously the exegetical task in the other? How do we interpret scripture in light of Christ’s two natures?…
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