New Credo Podcast! Why the Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis Can Save Us From Modernity
C.S. Lewis has become a household name in contemporary culture. While many appreciate Lewis for The Chronicles of Narnia or Mere Christianity, most don’t realize the reason these works are so magnetic. C.S. Lewis was a medieval man with a medieval mind who spent his entire life teaching students the medieval world.
Throughout his life, Lewis saw a great contrast between the medieval world and the modern world, with significant disparities in views on God, creation, and core pillars of the Christian faith and virtue. For Lewis, modernity had disenchanted the cosmos, forfeiting the medieval world’s biblical commitment to participation in God, the one in whom we live, and move, and have our being. Lewis became a British Boethius, perpetuating classical thought against the threat of modern intellectual barbarians.
In this episode, Matthew Barrett talks with Jason Baxter on how the medieval mindset helps explain why we love C.S. Lewis so much.