Archive for March 2014
Set Your Mind on Things Above
John Owen is well known for his thoughts on overcoming temptation and communion with God. He was a precise observant of the soul of man and how we are to…
Read MoreCredo’s Cache
Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache: 1. Why Is This Issue…
Read MoreChrist and Culture: An Interview with Greg Forster (by Matthew Claridge)
Is Christ with, for, or against culture? Whatever the answer, we cannot be content with an ambiguous “and.” This is an issue of increasing concern and urgency to evangelicals as…
Read MoreIs justification by faith alone still the dividing line? (Horton, Ryken, Vickers, etc.)
In the recent issue of Credo Magazine, “Justification: The Doctrine On Which the Church Stands or Falls,” one of the feature articles was a roundtable discussion called, “Is justification by…
Read MoreBooks At a Glance
Fred Zaspel has been a contributor to Credo Magazine since its inception. So we were very excited when he told us about a new service he is providing called Books At…
Read MoreOvercoming the World (Video now available)
Ligonier Ministries recently had their National conference, inviting some outstanding speakers. This year’s theme was “Overcoming the World.” Here is the description: As has been true in every generation, the…
Read MoreTime to be Alone, Time for Community
Last semester I had my students read Life Together, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer for a class on spiritual formation. This work gives practical advice on how life together in Christ can be sustained…
Read MoreBarrett’s Book Notes: Stephen Nichols and W. Robert Godfrey
This week it was announced that Steve Nichols will be the new president of Reformation Bible College and the chief academic officer of Ligonier Ministries. We would like to extend…
Read MoreCredo’s Cache
Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache: 1. The New Calvinism: A Triumph…
Read MoreOn Helm’s Review of Oliphint (Nate Shannon)
Editor’s note: On the Credo Magazine blog we like to have a mix of lay-level posts as well as more advanced academic posts. We also like to have good interaction…
Read MoreJustification by Faith: The Preachers Life Preserver (David Schrock)
Preaching is serious business. And preachers should feel the weight of rightly declaring God’s gospel. Yet, such a serious calling exposes preachers to what Spurgeon called “fainting fits.” When the…
Read MorePrizing Christ Above All
I had the privilege recently of attending a conference called THINK14 at College Park Church in Indianapolis, where John Piper was the keynote speaker. In four sessions Piper walked through the…
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