Archive for February 2019
MasterLectures: Video Lectures on the Bible and Theology from the World’s Leading Christian Scholars
Zondervan Academic has produced a video lecture hub called MasterLectures. There you will find thousands of high-quality video lectures on the Bible and theology from the world’s leading Christian scholars,…
Read MoreEavesdrop on a Theological Conversation: Recent Episodes of the Credo Podcast
Are you looking to deepen your understanding of theology? In the last several episodes of the Credo Podcast, a range of doctrinal issues have been covered, including doctrinal preaching, the…
Read MoreWhy Pastors Should Engage the Heidelberg Catechism
One of the features of the Protestant Reformation, whose 500th birthday we recently commemorated, was a revival of interest in catechisms. Ordinary people had long been deprived of solid biblical teaching,…
Read MoreAlmost here! None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God by Matthew Barrett
Matthew Barrett’s new book, None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God (Baker Academic), is set to release on March 5, which is just one week away. For too long, Christians have domesticated…
Read MoreManifestations of Grace: 3 Reasons to Move Away from Spiritual Gift Surveys
One of the staples of the discipleship diet for the past thirty years in evangelical circles has been the spiritual gift survey. Various shapes and sizes abound (just do a…
Read MoreWhy Pastors Should Engage Andrew Fuller
Near the beginning of the funeral sermon that John Ryland, Jr. (1753–1825) preached for Andrew Fuller in 1815, Ryland described Fuller as “perhaps the most judicious and able theological writer…
Read MoreHow does our doctrine of God affect our interpretation of scripture? New Credo video with Craig Carter
What are the differences between classical theism and theistic personalism? Why does the intention of the human author not exhaust what God intends to say through the text? How does…
Read MoreHow does our doctrine of God affect our interpretation of scripture?
What are the differences between classical theism and theistic personalism? Why does the intention of the human author not exhaust what God intends to say through the text? How does…
Read MoreThe Fulfillment of the Great Commission: A Responsibility of the Local Church
In the week-to-week grind of my work as a Mobilizer for the International Mission Board, I often meet with college students interested in spending a portion of their college years…
Read MoreMore Awed by the Glory Revealed than the Glory Concealed
I have read writers and heard speakers who try to turn our ignorance about God’s ways into the main ground for our amazement and worship. They usually do so by…
Read MoreNow Available: The Complete ESV Scripture Journal Set
The complete ESV Scripture Journal Set is now available. These journals pair the Bible text with opposite side, lined, blank pages for notes, insights, or prayers. You can purchase the journals…
Read MoreReformed Resurgence and Doctrinal Preaching: New Podcast Episode with Tom Nettles
Why has there been a reformed resurgence among evangelicals and how have Baptists, in particular, recovered their theological heritage on the doctrine of Scripture and the doctrines of grace? Which…
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