The Beatific Vision

Volume 12, Issue 3, 2022

The beatific vision is not a doctrine that must be deduced from scripture by good and necessary consequence. For the beatific vision is expressly set down in scripture. Paul calls the beatific vision the church’s blessed hope. John says God’s children shall be like him because they shall see him as he is. And Jesus himself calls the pure in heart blessed because they will see God. However, Protestants have let other traditions claim the beatific vision as their own, as if it is a doctrine antithetical to the evangelical faith. In this issue of Credo Magazine, the contributors lay claim to the beatific vision, not only demonstrating its biblical and theological credibility but showcasing its rich history from the Great Tradition to the Reformed faith itself. Far from a suspicious doctrine, the beatific vision is natural to the task of theology, pastoral care in the Christian life, and the telos of church’s happiness in the eschaton.

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