Archive for April 2020
Born for These Unstrange Days
A little over two years ago the winter Olympics were in full swing. We watched when we could, wowed by the training and talent on display by athletes from all…
Read MoreThe Cross and the Kingdom
What is the relationship between the atonement and the kingdom of God? How does the narrative of Scripture showcase this relationship? What characterizes Jesus’s reign? What does the kingly reign…
Read MoreNew Video: the Cross and the Kingdom
What is the relationship between the atonement and the kingdom of God? How does the narrative of Scripture showcase this relationship? What characterizes Jesus’s reign? What does the kingly reign…
Read MoreChristian Mercy in a Time of Plague
In the first centuries of the Christian church, several major plagues swept through the Roman Empire. In each case, the Christians’ reaction to the crisis demonstrated the transforming power of…
Read MoreThe Necessity of a Historical Resurrection: An Interview with Michael Licona
Michael Licona is an associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University and the president of Risen Jesus, Inc. He is a frequent speaker on university campuses, churches, Christian groups,…
Read MoreWhat’s the Best Way to Teach Preschoolers About the Resurrection?
So much of Easter in our culture revolves around candy, eggs, and the Easter Bunny. Parents are buying their kids cute Easter outfits for Easter Sunday, and grandparents are buying…
Read MoreResurrection Hope in a Season of Death
It’s April, and we are still under quarantine. The hospitalized can’t see loved ones, patient wards continue to expand, and more burial plots are dug. While most in the world…
Read MoreNew Credo Podcast: Saving Hermeneutics from Its Interpreters
How should we interpret, preach, and apply the Scriptures? What are the challenges historical criticism and postmodernism pose to the unity of the Bible? How does the unity between the…
Read MoreSaving Hermeneutics from Its Interpreters
How should we interpret, preach, and apply the Scriptures? What are the challenges historical criticism and postmodernism pose to the unity of the Bible? How does the unity between the…
Read MoreHow to Read Kings Theologically
The Books of 1 and 2 Kings introduce us to the study of theology through what is primarily narrative. 1 Kings includes administrative records (ch. 4), letters (ch. 5), building…
Read MoreResources in Light of COVID-19
There is one subject that has been on everyone’s minds in recent weeks: the coronavirus. To say that this epidemic has caused every aspect of society to shift would be…
Read MoreCredo Resources during COVID-19
To be sure, these are unprecedented times. Jobs are in jeopardy, education is forced to shift models, and families are together more than ever. The effects of this virus are…
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